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  • Collection: The Huntroyd Receipts. Folio 2

Frangas Insapadas a Portuguese dish 3 pound lb lean Bacon or Ham, 2 large Onionssliced, 4 Cloves of Shalot sliced, 3 Quarts of Water with some beaten pepper, Cloves, &and a little mace & about a drachmof Safron, stew it slowly till re-=duced…

If you want half the quantity it will keep 2 days adding the creamthe day it is need’d as before men--tionedBrawnBoil a calves head with skinon till very tender- Bone it roll it up tight as brawn-season- Cottege pudding6 ounce oz grated bread- ¼…

think there will not be liquor enoughadd cucumber, lettuce and other thingsin proportion- if you choose breador cheese in it prepare it as forother soups -Turnip Soup [O] 12 good size’d Turnips, 6 white Onions 2 heads of celery all slice'd thin- a…

Soup without meat or water 6 or 8 Cucumbers, pare them, &cut them thick- 8 or 9 Coss lettuces5 or 6 Onions, a handful of parsleypicked some white beet leaves,alittle chervill, some sorrell-put them in a stewpan withmore than a ¼ pound lb of…

Small Cakes¼ lb fresh butter ¼ pound lb white sugarwork it all together with your handstill the butter is melted- then putin the yolks of 3 eggs & work it again then ¼ pound lb of flour put in bydegrees still working it then ¼ pound lb of…

6 sevilles, 2 sweet, 3 lemons, therinds to be put into the juice- 1 pound lb loaf sugar, 1 pint spring water.Let it boil to a syrup, and put itinto a bowl, when cold put the juice to it- boil 3 ounces oz Isinglass in1 pint spring water & when…

fry it in a stewpan with some butter till itcomes of a light brown colour- pourout the butter and put in some gravy &red wine, of each an equal quan--tity: with an onion or shalot & a an--chovy, when it is stewe‘d enoughsqueeze on some juice…

you dish it up- be sure to keep itclose covere’d or it will lose its colour-Scotch Eggs You must boil your eggs hard thenmake good force meat & roll them up in it, there must be a good quantity of parsley for they mustbe a little green then frya…

A TrifleMake your boile’d custard with a pint of Milk, & 5 eggs leaving out 2 whites- when boile’d pour into a dish &stir in 12 sweet Almonds beaten& 4 bitter ones or 6 Apricotkernels let it stand till cold then lay ¼ lb of naples biscuit…

Pickle for BrawnTwo Gallons of water, ¼ of a Pint of Oatmeala Quart of good bran, boil it gently one hour strain it off when cold- seasonit with 1 pound lb of common salt- put in the Brawnand steep it with this pickle; newit once a month -Orange…
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