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  • Collection: The Huntroyd Receipts. Folio 2. The Medicine Pages.

RheumatismThree ounces of sarsaparilla sliced and bruise’d1 Quart of fine Spirits of wine let them standtogether in a wide mouthe’d bottle close stoppedt3 days by the fire then strain out the li--quor very hard, & add to it 2 ounce oz of…

For DeafnessFill an ounce Phial with Bay Saltand spring water, equal quantities, whendissolved drop 4 into a teaspoon, conveythese 4 drops into the Ear going tobed lying on the contrary side; repeatit 4 Nights-To make hair water30 handfulls of…

it burn- then pour it into ┌deep┐china plates or saucers, in 5 or 6 days it will be fit for use- ‘Tis a strong cement- nothingbut wet can affect it- & will join or--namental China, Wood, Ivory & c Justwet the Edge of the glue in hot water…

For a Cough, hoarseness, or Consumption 4 ouncez Conserve of Roses4 ditto White sugar Candy powdere’d4 ditto Jar Raisins stone’d and shred fine4 hard apples pare’d & grated40 drops Spirit of sulphur40 drops Spirit of vitriolBeat all together in a…

thin as you can and boil it in the oilover a slow fire till melted- thereafterletting it stand to cool- put in theHoney keeping it stirring over the fire for 10 Minutes then put in the Gum, sliced as the wax/ after letting itstand to cool & keep…

Gum pills, Take three, twice a day in2 spoonfuls of the Liquor, & 2 spoon-fuls after, this method use'd for 3months restored a Parson to all ap-pearance fit only for an Inhabitant of Bedlam -Tincture of RhubarbTake of Rhubarb ℥ ounce i 1/5 of the…

GoulardAs many pounds of [Lithrag] Litharge of gold as 2 quarts of white wine vinigarput them together in a glaze'd earthenpipkin & let them boil, or rather simmerfor an hour, taking care to stir them,during the ebullition with a wooden spatula,…

the wax & oil which must be put to a proper dish for that purpose -incorporate them well togetherwith a wooden Spatula & take care that the water you put in is thoroughly absorbed before you put in any more, by thus taking time &…

keep stirring till it is dissolved-take your vessel off the fire &and continue to work it till it is broughtto a consistency- For Tetters & all cutaneous eruptionsSaturnine Plaister12 pounds lb of Wax- melt it -add 3 pounds lbs ½ of oil of…

Goulard mixe’d with doublethe quantity of oil of turpentine, a sovereign remedy for a sprain in a horse -Rub him with this liniment as soon as the accident happens- keep him warm and repeat the friction every4 hours- Goulards EssayChilblains ½ pint…
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