The Huntroyd Receipts. Loose slips.

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The Huntroyd Receipts. Loose slips.


Medicines and receipts or recipes. Items of interest.

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These pages and slips of paper form a further selection of items that were inserted loosely inside the folios. Some were pinned inside but with the passage of time the pins have fallen out and become lost.
Some are folded tightly and at some stage were carried around in a bag, perhaps, and are dog eared and worn along the creases and slightly dirtied.
Some are jottings on the backs of  invoices and one is an envelope revealing the date 1808 which is our cut-off date for the collection.
They are not necessarily written by Charlotte and different writing styles are apparent.

They are a wonderful addendum to the whole book.


Folios 1 and 2


Gillespie family


1782 to 1808


Site licence


Handwritten loose item


Paper document

Collection Items

Slip 10: Haberdasher's Bill
Reveren'd T Starkie Black burn 24 Novembe,r 1797Bought of Habitshaw & Fisher;---- LINEN and WOLLEN DRAPERS, ----Haberdasher Hosiers &cPerfumery3 yds Cambric Muslim 5/6 16 " 62 Pair Wooling Gloves 5 -- 101 pair Do Do - 7 -- 7 10 3/4 Flannel --…

Slip 9
Take 5 Gills of cream put two teaspoonsfull of rennet& stir it well. Pour the same quantity of good new milk made hot upon the cream & let it stand till it breaks, then take upthe Curd but break it as little as possible & put it in a…

Slip 7: Tailor's bill
1796 Mr Starkey DrA/c Edwd Barton29 March To maken a pair pr of Black Cashmere Cassomeer Breeches s - d & all materials £1 " 4 0Receive’d the ContentsEdw Barton

Slip 6
Put 112:pounds lbs of Raisins to 15 Gallons of Cold Spring Water -1:pound lb Brown Sugar Candy1:pound lb White . Do …. Do1 Bottle of White Wine 1 Bottle of Brandy- Let it standSix Months & then Bottle it -

Slip 4. Page 3. Recto
White DecoctionTake of the purest Chalk in powder, two ounces, gum arabic; half an ounce; Water three Pints. Boiled to one quart & strain the Decoction. This is a proper drink, in acute disease attended with, or inclining to a looseness &…

Slip 4. Page 1. Recto
Laxative absorbant mixturePut one dram of magnesia alba in a mortarwith 10 or 12 grains of the best Turkey rhubarband add to them 3 ounces of common Water; simplecinnamon water & syrup of sugar, of each oneounce.As most diseases of Infants are…

Slip 3
Lavender Waterbest rectified Spirits of wine 1 QuartOil of Lavender half an ounceEssence of Ambergrease 1 scruple- mixe’d well together, corke’d down close& let to stand 2 months before it is used-Lip Salve Steep a pennyworth of Alkanet root in 2…

Slip 2
Soup MeagreTake 4 large Onions, 4 Cucumbers, cut rhem in slices, 4 lettucescut into Quarter, or less if you like it, 2 pints of pease, & a ¼ lb of Butter, put them all into a Stewpan & stew them over a slow fire un‘till they are tender- take…

Slip 1
For ChilblainsTake of the best & sharpest white Wine vinegar& Spirits of Wine of each half a PintAlum half an Ounce in Powder.Mix them together. Wash the parts affected twice or three times a Day

A Letter
Heraldry CollegeDoctors Commons4 Jan'y 1845My Dear Madam.I have lately been so unwell as tobe unable to attend to Business on accountt of a severe attack of Influenza being much better I have again resumedmy duties. and in reply to your letter I have…
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