To hash a Calves Head Let the head be scalded, not skinne’d boil it very tender the day before you use it, make some gravy of a knuckle of veal, a bit of lean beef,a bit of ham, or about half a pound of gammon of bacon, four anchovies, a dozen…
Continued from Folio2. Page 19. RectoBrandy 4 hours then strain it off, put to it 4 Quarts of Water, 4 large Nutmegsgrated, 2 Quarts of Lemon juice, 2 pounds lb of doublerefine’d Sugar, when the Sugar is dissolve'dboil 3 Quarts of Milk and put to the…
Continues from F2P12Vskim it clear- To stew a rump of beef Take your beef & bone it & sprinkle itwit┌h┐salt- the next day take one handful ofspinnach, 1 of parsley, some thyme, savoury& knotted marjoram- chop them veryfine & take the…